Sunday 6 December 2015

Mary Brown's Fake Fried Chicken Dinner

I was assigned to make fried chicken, so I made a Mary Brown's dinner.

Step 1 
Do research, and gather materials. I went to Mary Browns ordered a 6 piece meal, with a tater poutine and coleslaw.  the best part about this is that you can eat your research when done. 
Step 2
When I was ordering I asked the nice lady behind the counter if she could possible give me an extra of all the boxes she used in packing up the meal. so I received. 1 large paper bag, 1 tater poutine container with a lid, 1 box for the chicken with a sheet of parchment paper, and 1 small coleslaw container with a lid.

Step 3
I traced the chicken onto craft paper to create a template picked out the 2 shapes i thought would be easiest to recreate. The drumstick and the breast
Step 4
Cut out template

Step 5
Trace template onto foam. 

Step 6
Carve foam into the shape of the drumstick and breast using an Exacto knife and the bandsaw then smooth with sand paper

Step 7
Paper maché the foam pieces. Using brown tissue paper

Step 8
Using weldbond glue and sawdust pack in a thick mixture pack on to the breast and the drumstick.

Step 9
use FEV lightly to make the edges of the sawdust look crispier


Step 1
Cut out a cube of foam, use band saw to cut out into a cube octahedron (cutting off the corners of the cube)

Step 2
Use sandpaper to round the octahedron into a potato shape

Step 3
Once potato like use the bandsaw to cut the potato into wedge shapes

Step 4
Paper maché each of the wedges

Step 5
Paint wedges with rubber latex, let dry

***Note: They will be sticky do not let the wedges touch each other.

Step 6
Paint wedges with rubber latex and acrylic paint.
***Note: remember that rubber latex darkens the paint as it dries. It is important to test the colour.

Step 7
Place wedges into poutine container

Step 8
Mix lots of rubber latex and brown paint to create gravy.

Step 9
Pour gravy on top of taters with a spoon.

Step 10
Spoon in just plain rubber latex to try to make the grates strands of cheese

Step 11
Let dry, and tell your favorite joke: What did Sushi A say to Sushi B... WASABI

***Note: Next time I would explore an alternative for the gravy, one it turned out too dark, and too opaque.


Step 1
Get small woodchips, I got my from the planer in the shop.

Step 2
Place wood chips in the coleslaw container

Step 3
Pour in white glue and let dry

Step 4
Paint the woodchips, bright green

Step 5
Pour in liquid latex to make it look like the mayonnaise-y juices and let dry

Finished Product

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