Monday 7 December 2015


For the dark version of Alice in Wonderland, I did the Dormouse and the high tea.

Step 1

Step 2
Shop for materials. Luckily it was around halloween. I got a rat at wallmart. my neighbor Emily had some some spray foam, and i bought two plastic champagne glasses from the dollar store
I got a tea pot from the prop stalk and 3 sizes of plates for the the 3 teir plate, and two tea cups and saucers


Step 1
cut open the side and pull back the fur.

Step 2
Wrap mascing tape around wire stick it in the styrofoam core to create ribs

Step 3
Paint with rubber latex and acrylic paint

Step 4

Step 5
Cut off tail

Step 6
Put rubber latex and red paint blood in ears and mouth on paws on base of tails. Also  put rubber latex blood all on the teapot too.

Step 7
FEV the tea pot to make it look tarneshed using black and brown FEV

Step 8
FEV the blood

Step 9
Paint eyes white


Step 1
Cut stems off the champange glasses on angle

Step 2
use epoxy glue to attach the plates and the stems

Step 3
FEV the plates the teacups the creamer and the sugar bowl


Step 1
cut out soft foam into triangles

Step 2
use hot glue on a plate greesed with vasilene to make cucumbers

Step 3
Make toilet paper clay out of toilet paper and white glue to make tuna
and Scones

Step 4
make cream cheese out of plaster

Step 5
Put spray foam on top of the scones

Step 5
before painting gesso everything but  spray foam and the toilet paper clay

Step 6

Step 7
Hot glue the sandwhiches together

Step 8
put hot glue on top of the scones to make topping
***Note: I was tryignt to make jam however it came out looking like hardened chocolate, next time i would try somthing different.

Step 9
paint polyester pillow stuffing and attach to with white glue to Sandwiches and scones


Step 1
Pour black leather dye on uncooked rice.

Step 2
Let dry for a couple days

Tea cakes

Step 1
Cut out a little squares out of foam

Step 2
Cover with Fondant
***Note: Fondant takes getting used to, I had to start over several times.

Step 3
Let dry out and harden

Step 4
drip FEV on it.

Step 5
sprinkle cornstarch on top

Finished product

ps. what did sushi A say to Sushi B



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