Monday 5 December 2016

Puppet Project

First we create a mold for the face.

 using plasticine and a styrofoam head with the eyes cut out sculpt the face (and ears) you would like the puppet to have (the secret to ears. think question marks ?)

 cover the plasticine with LOTS OF VASELINE!!

 use gypsona plaster bandages to cover the face work the gypsona so that the first layer goes on as smooth as possible. let dry and put on second layer

Remove plaster bandage mold from face. and paint layer of rubber latex into the mold. 

Paint in another layer of rubber latex, then on the next layer of rubber latex use cheesecloth to strengthen the face. Let dry fully and remove carefully from mold and attach the face back on to the styrofoam head with rubber latex and use the rubber latex with acrylics to paint. attach hair with rubber latex and paint with acrylic. 

paper mache a balloon to create the body. at least 3 layers 

for the body create a pattern for the legs and hips and shoulder

Use the forstner to create an indent to secure dowel using screws and glue

then using a wire coat hanger to create hinges put together hip to thigh, thigh to calf, calf to foot.

then using foam and contact cement I filled out the legs and carved them down.

the arms using rope and staples 
the hands were made using a wire and air dry clay painted with rubber latex and acrylic paint
a handle was attached to the head using gorilla glue (remember to wet the wood)
 the head was attached using a shorter piece of rope knots and eye hooks 

dress him up cutting out the back of the shirt so that the puppet can be manipulated. and voila

I think I liked him better without the beard...

and now he sits on my shelf creeping out people in my living room

Box project

To practice our painting techniques we were asked to paint a box using the techniques we learned.
 I chose to use the crackle paint technique using vaseline to create a more weathered look to it.

on the inside using hot glue, white glue cardstock and printable dollhouse brick wall i made a tiny little brick house

Sunday 23 October 2016

Marble Bust Project

Marble Bust project


using a styrofoam head as a base begin sculpting
One thing to keep in mind that I learned from this project is that the layers over top may change the face in terms of this particular project I felt that didn't take into account the next layer of plaster bandage and as a result i found his features too big in the end result next i would compensate at this stage.

 Work in Progress

then cover with gypsona plaster bandages

to build the base use 3/4 inch and 1 inch dowel
to create an I frame

Mine looked a lot like this inside my statue

 then use styrofoam to build out the neck and shoulders

then layer of gypsona. Toga part of the bust I used a cotton dipped in white glue and a little water draped and pinned it in the shape I wanted then I painted on a layer of glue.

then using a fine finishing sandpaper sand the bust to create smooth the surfaces on the bust

paint a layer of gesso over the entire bust (including the toga), then sand again

then use the marble technique to create finished look

Upholstery Project

Reupholstered ottoman and crackle paint technique

Saturday 22 October 2016

Prop Drawing

Cheshire Cat

I decided to use a ventriloquist dummy as the Cheshire cat to be played by one of the inmates of the asylum who only communicates through this dummy

Master Class Design Semester

Winter 2016

Design portion of the class
We were asked to design a set for the play Alice in Wonderland with the malice theme.


Research material

My Design